Lucid Dreamer
A lucid dream is a dream in which the sleeper is aware that he/she is dreaming. When the dreamer is lucid, they can actively participate in and often manipulate the imaginary experiences in the dream environment. Lucid dreams can be extremely real and vivid depending on a person's level of self-awareness during the lucid dream.
A Lucid Dreamer is someone who can be a in a state of awake while he/she is actually is in a dream. now, i want to ask, after you wake up from your sleep and you recall that you have experience a dream from the sleep, can you detail out the dream? if you at least 60-70% can detail out your dream than you have high potential to be a Lucid Dreamer.
What advantages of being a lucid dreamer? No advantages other than you can:
1) Experience your dream in a more reality manners
2) Sometimes you can learn something new just by dreaming
3) Explore your dream life
4) To achieve the latter stage of Dream Skill (The 3rd Stage)
5) Just being unique from other people (the simplest answer)
Well, not everyone have this ability. This is a very RARE phenomenon. The one who have this ability is a very special person. You think you are one of the RARE Lucid Dreamers? Well, you should google about it to find it out more.
9:05 PM
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